Company Description

Canadian Tarpaulin Manufacturers Ltd. is a private corporation, which started business in Saskatoon manufacturing tarpaulins and protective coverings. The company has continued to grow and evolve since its inception in 1980 and now offers a wide variety of stock and custom made products for use in the agricultural, industrial, transportation, resource and recreational sectors. The Company’s products are primarily marketed through wholesale and direct channels to retailers throughout western and northern Canada and the mid-western United States, although we regularly work with global customers.

Our product is sold through many wholesale and retail operations. We sell to a large array of independent businesses such as large trucking and trucking supply companies, contractors and agricultural enterprises. In addition we service lumber mills, the mining sector and oil and other resource companies. We deal with many large original equipment manufacturers who in turn incorporate our product into their finished product. In the area of direct selling to the public, we are primarily involved on the recreation end of the industry. Servicing tent rentals, boat covers, golf carts, custom work, as well as specialty items for the trucking industry such as winter fronts. We also service a a very diverse range of customers in the shelter industry by supplying them with various covers and products.

Facilities and Equipment: In industrial textiles, we have the best equipment and man power to fill your needs. Our total facilities encompass more than 55,000 square feet. We use a variety of machines including a rotary fabric welder, radio frequency welder, wedge welder and hand-held hot air welders. We have in excess of 40 sewing machines from 1 to 3 needle designs and various sized from 10" to 40" arms. We utilize fabric cutting equipment capable of efficiently cutting 100 or more layers of material at one time. The installation of eyelets is done with automatic grommeting machines. This allows us to produce large volume jobs and large covers efficiently.

Products & Services

construction ,   transportation products ,   recreational products ,   mining ,   Custom Work ,   agricultural products ,   boat covers ,   golf carts ,   Industrial Products ,   tent rentals ,   specialty items for trucking industry ,   Agriculture ,   recreation ,   industrial ,   resource products ,   shelter products ,   transportation  

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Canadian Tarpaulin Manufacturers

618 51 St E Saskatoon, SK
(306) 933-2343
(306) 931-1003

Other Locations

(888) 226-8277