Company Description
At Novamen Inc. we believe that value can be created for our customers by providing comprehensive, innovative services that go above and beyond expectations. We strive to be the number one choice for your chemical requirements, whether it be dust control, hydrotesting, freeze conditioning, oilfield production or general industrial chemicals.
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Products & Services
general industrial chemicals , Deicing , Gylcol & Methanol Sales & Rental , DUST CONTROL , Pressure Testing , H2S Scavengers , Glycols , industrial , Hydrotesting , Mining Products , Pipeline testing , Oilsands Products , Oilwell Cementing , Freeze Conditioning , hydro testing , Descalers , oilfield production
NovaCool , Chemicals , Blending , Scale Inhibitor , Hydro Test Fluid , Acidizing Chemicals , Cleaning Chemicals , Drilling Fluids , Environmentally Friendly Chemical , dust control , Rydall Degreasers , Filter Rental , Ecotest 400 , Cementing Chemicals , glycols , Rydlyme Descaler , Glycol Rental , H2S Scavenger , Potassium Acetate , Chemical Rental , freeze conditioning , Coolant , Deicer , Potassium Formate , Hydrotest Wagon Rental , Methanol Rental , H2S Scrubber Rental , Hydrotesting , Fracturing Fluid , Tank rental , NeutraGas , Hydrotest Fluid Rentals
Amenities and More
Locally owned and operated
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Frequently asked questions about Novamen Inc
What days are Novamen Inc open?
Novamen Inc is open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
Novamen Inc
Other Locations
Open Hours
- Monday08:00AM - 04:00PM
- Tuesday09:00AM - 04:00PM
- Wednesday09:00AM - 04:00PM
- Thursday09:00AM - 04:00PM
- Friday09:00AM - 04:00PM
- Sat, SunClosed