Company Description
Here at Accu Swab Ltd., we are dedicated and committed to providing our customers with the utmost in service excellence, productivity and fair pricing. It has been our experience that building a successful reputation in the service industry not only involves commitment and dedication, but a commitment to excellence and productivity
our qualified team works towards providing and ensuring the high technical standards that our clients have always expected from us. Our staff has also maintained an avid interest in the preservation and enhancement of environmental issues and concerns, and they are willing to provide resources necessary to protect our earth. My name is John Doiron and I have been working with the oil and gas industry for many, many years. I have helped build oilfield plants, worked on service rigs, been a tool push, and a rig manager. In 1995 I moved over to swab units and have been swabbing up to present. Here at Accu-Swab, we swab all sizes of tubing up to 7"casing, work on H2S wells. Pull WR plugs set in casing. Swab back after sand fracs. Pull tubing plungers. We can do just about anything. Next time you need swabbing service call us at ACCU-SWAB.
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Products & Services
H2S wells , Service Rigs , rig manager , tool push , swabbing service , tubing plungers , swab back after sand fracs , set in casing , oilfield plants , pull WR plugs
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