Company Description
Providing comprehensive archaeological services to Northeastern BC has been the focus of Heritage North Consulting Limited for more than 30 years. We provide a full range of archaeological services to the oil and gas industry, private developers, First Nations communities, and provincial and federal levels of government.
Products & Services
Archaeological Overview Assessments (AOAs) , Comprehensive Archaeological Consulting Services , community involvement , Post Impact Assessment , Archaeological Services , Federal Government , Mitigation, Evaluation & Section 12 Submission , archaeological impact assessments , Archaeology Services , Private Developers , Private Land Assessment for Subdivision of Property , Pollen Analysis & Palaeoenvironmental Interpretation , Preliminary Field Reconnaissances , Provincial Government , oil and gas industry , Archaeological Impact Assessments (AIAs) , Preliminary Field Reconnaissances (PFRs) , First Nations Communities , Construction Monitoring , First Nations Consultation & Tradition-Use Studies (TUS)
Reviews and Recommendations