Company Description
Bell Industries is a manufacturers' representative. Currently Bell Industries represents the following manufacturers: - Joe's Hand Cleaner from Kleen Products - Fisher-Stevens down-hole soap products - Harbision-Fischer/Johnson-Fagg wellhead production equipment - Nowata Proguard filtration products - Ham-Let's Let-Lok instrumentation fittings, valves and tubing - TroJon 'Little Yeller Feller' uniform sand filter cartridges - Enviro Clean environmentally friendly industrial cleaning products and oilfield solutions - Endurall Endurance sucker rod guides In addition to being a manufacturers' representative, Bell Industries also carries its own brand of products: - B2CD (Kevlar/Brass) Supreme High Temperature stuffing box packing in conical, ring and vee-ring styles - Stuffing box spray shields - Tube and bag anodes and accessories - Treater aluminum, zinc and magnesium anodes - Insulation heads and tank flanges for treater anodes Mission Statement - "Bell Industries has been proudly serving the Canadian energy industry since 1962. We pride ourselves on always having what you need in stock, when you need it. Our inventory is your inventory at Bell Industries."
Products & Services
TroJon 'Little Yeller Feller' uniform sand filter cartridges , Ham-Let's Let-Lok instrumentation fittings, valves and tubing , Endurall Endurance sucker rod guides , Tube and bag anodes and accessories , Joe's Hand Cleaner , B2CD (Kevlar/Brass) Supreme High Temperature stuffing box packing in conical, ring and vee-ring styles , Home About Us History News and Updates Products Client Resources Contact Us , Fisher-Stevens down-hole soap products , HomeAbout UsHistoryNews and UpdatesProductsClient ResourcesContact Us , Enviro Clean environmentally friendly industrial cleaning products and oilfield solutions , Treater aluminum, zinc and magnesium anodes , Stuffing box spray shields , Insulation heads and tank flanges for treater anodes
Stuffing Boxes , Packing , Filter , Hand Cleaner , Production Equipment , Soap , Pollution Control , Anodes , Plungers , Spray Shields