Company Description
No matter what industry you work in, quality assurance is key to your success. To ensure superior production, you need to be able to rely on the quality and integrity of your assets. Echo NDE ensures the quality of your equipment and piping through non-destructive testing and inspection. We ensure quality, so you can operate everyday with confidence. We offer non-destructive examination service to a range of industries and scenarios such as pipelines,fabrication/construction, corrosion surveys and maintenance inspections. As a service industry company Echo is driven to provide the highest level of quality and service by providing not only conventional services, but leading edge technology. Our services include: -Radiography (Conventional, Digital) -Ultrasonics (0 degree, Shear Wave, Phased Array, Creep Wave) -Magnetic Particle, Liquid Penetrant, Hardness Testing -Positive Material ID (PMI) -Tapping Services (Hot, Cold, Poly) -CGSB/ SNT-TC-1A Certified Technicians/ On- Staff Level IIIs -COR Certified Health and Safety Program -IRP16/ ISN NETworld/HSE Canada registered -ABSA Demonstrated Procedures If you require any additional information or would like to request project specific rates please do not hesitate to contact us.
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Products & Services
COR Certified Health and Safety Program , magnetic particle , hardness testing , Tapping Services (Hot, Cold, Poly) , Asset Integrity Services , liquid penetrant , CGSB/ SNT-TC-1A Certified Technicians/ On- Staff Level IIIs , Radiography (Conventional, Digital) , Ultrasonics (0 degree, Shear Wave, Phased Array, Creep Wave) , IRP16/ ISN NETworld/HSE Canada registered , Advanced Ultrasonics Services , Conventional Services , Eddy Current Services , Pipeline Integrity Services , ABSA Demonstrated Procedures , Guided Wave Services , Positive Material ID (PMI)
Ultrasonics , Facility Inspections , Hot Tapping , Shutdowns , Radiography , Magnetic Particle , Liquid Penetrant , pipeline & , Corrosion Surveys , Positive Material Identification , Specialty Services
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