Company Description
Competition Environmental Ltd. offers a complete line of environmental services, including the disposal of drilling fluid. In 1997, the company was one of the first to see the need for land spreading in drilling fluids disposal, and have set the standard for the industry with their technology since then. They've grown to be the biggest private environmental fleet in Saskatchewan. Their equipment inventory contains tandem vac trucks, semi vac units, hydro vac units, winch tractors, tri-drive vac trucks and end dump trailers. All of the equipment is COR-certified, and they have a proven track record of high-quality work that has a minimal impact on the environment.
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Products & Services
land spreading in drilling fluids disposal , Oilfield Cleanup Services , Saskatchewan Oilfield Cleanup Services , disposal of drilling fluid
semi vacs , sask vac trucks , oilfield companies , competition trucks , se sask vac trucks , oilfield service , oilfield industry , Oilfield trucking , Vac Trucks , saskatchewan oilfield companies , Vacuum Trucks , carnduff vac trucks , oilfield clean up , sask environmental services , hydro vac trucks
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