Company Description
NDE/NDT Service Providor of Industrial Radiography, Ultrasonic, Magnetic Particle, liquid penetrant, Eddy current, IRIS and advanced testing methods. AUT and weldscan using phased array, TOFD and creep wave scanners. Our Heavy Wall Casting department uses 6MeV industrial linear accelerators, Ir192 and Co60 to produce code quality x-ray film for thick and thin materials. Destructive testing and engineering laboratories are able to provide welder qualifications, materials testing and fitness for service.
Products & Services
IRIS Testing , TOFD Testing , Ultrasonic Testing , Eddy Current Testing , AUT Testing , Magnetic Particle Testing , Liquid Penetrant Testing , Creep Wave Scanning , Industrial Radiography , Weld Scan Using Phased Array , Advanced Testing Methods , NDE/NDT Service Provider