Company Description
Load ‘Em Up Contracting is an industry leader in contracting and environmental services. Load ‘Em Up’s fleet is able to take care of all of your environmental waste collection, transport and disposal needs. We operate to the highests standard for fleet safety and safe working procedures. Load ‘Em Up is licensed to transport hazardous and non-hazardous waste within the province of British Columbia.
Services Provided:
Gravel and soil hauling and sales
Used oil collection, transport and disposal
Used waste oil filters, anit-freeze, water, soils, plastics collection, transport and disposal
Vacuum truck services
Steam washing, thawing services
Environmental waste solutions for hauling and disposal
Waste storage solutions
Snow Removal
Each and everyday we work hard to keep British Columbia the most beautiful place on earth!
Photos & Videos
Products & Services
Spill response supplies , Oil-water separator inspections , vacuum trucks , Maintenance & reporting , Tank & bin rentals , vacuum truck services , Gravel and soil hauling and sales , Used oil collection, transport and disposal , Environmental waste solutions for hauling and disposal , Steam washing, thawing services , Hydro VAC , Waste storage solutions , Gravel and soil hauling , snow removal , Used waste oil filters, anit-freeze, water, soils, plastics collection, transport and disposal