Company Description

My name is Michael Dionne and I am the owner of Peace Country Filtration and Peace Country Thermal Imaging, Ltd.

After spending 15+ years helping other companies grow and manage businesses serving the Oil and Gas, Pulp and Paper, and Process Industries, I started Peace Country Thermal Imaging in 2007 to fill a niche market for Infrared Surveying services in the BC and Alberta Peace River areas.
Within the first week of hanging out my shingle, former customers began to ask me why I wasn’t continuing to sell filters as well. So…..Peace Country Filtration was launched to serve this need.

A common frustration that I have heard from customers during my career is that they always seem to have to deal with a new salesperson or service technician whenever they need something from a company. Dawson Creek is home, so I look forward to the opportunity of working with the same Facilities and People for many years to come.

Although Infrared Scanning and Process Filtration are, at first glance, very different product offerings, Plant foremen, Engineers, and Maintenance Foreman require both at various times to keep their facilities operating the best they can. In fact, they work very well together to help us meet our stated goal:

“Keeping Your Plant Running Is Our First Priority”

Drawing on Factory Product training (filters, demisters, pumps, heat exchangers, instruments, etc.) and Process training (Amine Experts, Sulphur Experts, BC Pulp and Paper Institute, etc.), I truly enjoy working along your staff and your other product/service providers to troubleshoot process issues and improve productivity.

On a personal level, I’m proud to have been born and raised in Dawson Creek and the beautiful Peace River region. It continues to be a great place for my wife and I to raise our children and I feel fortunate that I am able to travel around the region as part of my job.

Dawson Creek has been good to me and I try to give as much back as I can. I am the Chair of the Board of Trustees for the Dawson Creek Municipal Public Library and am also a past Member of the Board of Governors of Northern Lights College. Charitable support includes Children’s Reading programs and Ronald McDonald House.

My family and I enjoy camping, travelling, and visiting as many of Alberta and BC’s Hot Springs as we can!

Thank you for visiting our Facebook page and I look forward to working with you in the future.

Photos & Videos

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Products & Services

Amine Experts ,   Infrared Surveying ,   heat exchangers ,   Products ,   Ronald McDonald House ,   Children’s Reading programs ,   Instruments ,   pumps ,   Terms & Conditions ,   Resources ,   Process Filtration ,   About ,   BC Pulp and Paper Institute ,   Demisters ,   Filters ,   Partners ,   contact ,   Privacy ,   Sulphur Experts ,   SERVICES  

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Peace Country Filtration

404 95 Ave Dawson Creek, BC
(250) 719-3662
(866) 731-0106