Company Description
Pure Spirit Water Services Ltd. serves the oil and gas industry by delivering the highest quality potable water for your needs. To ensure this quality we routinely analyze water samples and use the latest water treatment technology. Pure Spirit recently completed a large expansion of our facilities enabling us to produce and deliver more water than before. Look to us for De-Ionized water, RO water (reverse osmosis), potable water, and bulk water supplies for your sour gas plant needs as make up for the treating process. From small orders to large full size trailer orders, Pure Spirit is your choice. Our head office is in Spirit River, Alberta and has memberships in ISNetworld, PICS, and ComplyWorks.
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Products & Services
Bulk water supplies , RO water (reverse osmosis) , De-Ionized water , Potable water
RO water (reverse osmosis) , Bulk Water , water hauling , De ionized water , potable water
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