Company Description
DFI provides quality piling services and products to clients across North America. We maintain an extensive fleet of custom-built piling and ancillary equipment that has been designed to be flexible and responsive in hard-to-reach locations and adverse climates and ground conditions. Our in-house engineering and technical teams work collaboratively with clients and field operations to provide complete end-to-end customer solutions, including pile design, survey, supply, install, cutting, capping, and pile testing services. We own and operate a state-of-the-art electric resistance welded (ERW) pipe mill that produces 5.5” to 16” piling grade steel pipe piles that are made to order and distributed across North America with a sizeable fleet and branch network.
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Products & Services
Drive Piles, , supply , Steel Pipe Pile Manufacturing , installation , survey , Pile Extraction , Cutting , Capping , Pile Testing , Pre-Drilling , Pile Installation , Drive Piles , Pile Survey , Pile Design , Pile Cut And Cap , hydrovac , Pile Installation , Pile Cap Supply & Install , Sheet Piles , Pile Manufacturing & Supply , Sheet Piles , Helical Piles , Pile Testing, , Piling services
Hydrovac , Installation , Manufacture , Screw Pile , pipe , Drilling , Engineering , piling , Pickers , INDUSTRIAL , Cranes , Foundation Engineering
Amenities and More
Locally owned and operated , Family owned and operated
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DFI Piling
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