Blowout Preventers Manufacturers in Texas
blowout preventers
International supplier of innovative BOP products including ram BOPs, annular BOPs, elastomers, API equipment, aftermarket BOPs, and rental services.
Address:9118 Sweetbrush Dr Houston, TXPhone:(281) 955-6321 -
blowout preventers
Established in 1975, Control Flow, Inc. has decades of experience in design and manufacturing of Wellhead Equipment, API Gate Valves, Subsea Valves, Chokes, Manifolds, BOP’s, and Christmas Trees. CFI-WesTech/Mo-Comp designed systems include Riser/Guideline Tensioners, Motion/He…
Address:9201 Fairbanks N Houston Rd Houston, TXPhone:(281) 890-8300 -
blowout preventers repair
We manufacture ram blocks, intermediate flanges, Spacer spools, Drilling Spools, T-Blocks, Elbows, and remanufacture all BOP's
Address:15603 S Brentwood St Channelview, TXPhone:(832) 526-7226
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