Company Description
For more than 75 years, Denso has been manufacturing anti-corrosion and sealing products with a proven track record of solving problems in all kinds of challenging environments worldwide, above or below ground and underwater. Our coatings can easily be applied in high and low temperature environments for protecting girth welds, tie-ins, cadwells, fittings, fabrications, repairs to FBE and rehabilitation to existing pipelines plus they are high build, up to 50 mils in one coat.
Altek Supply is proud to be the Western Canadian Master Distributor, carrying large inventories on all products, and providing technical support and field training in accordance with CSA Z245.30.
Click the link on this page to be directed to our website which showcases our products as well as technical catalogues and videos.
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Products & Services
coatings , tie-ins , cadwells , fabrications , rehabilitation of existing pipelines , sealing products , protecting girth welds , Fittings , up to 50 mils in one coat , anti-corrosion , high build coatings , repairs to FBE
Denso , Anti corrosion , Denso coatings , Denso tape , Liquid Coatings
Reviews and Recommendations
Frequently asked questions about Denso
What days are Peace Region Petroleum Show open?
Peace Region Petroleum Show is open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.